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Water Stain on Pool Table Felt

Water Stain on Pool Table Felt

I just recovered my Brunswick pool table and not even a week later someone spilled a bottle of water on it. I figured clean bottled water should never leave a stain when dried but I was wrong because there is a very noticeable stain about 10 inches long in the center of the table 3 days later. I dabbed out the water with a clean towel and left to dry, no cleaners. Any way of removing this water stain from the pool table felt, short of re-covering it?

I cant see why it left such a noticeable stain from just water, it was 'mid' quality felt.

Water Stain on Pool Table Felt

Replies & Comments

  1. harmankardon35quickshot on 1/23/2009 7:39:11 AM

    You may want to call the people you purchased the felt from and see if they have a solution. I'm going to assume you have a slate base under the felt.

    The problem makes a strong case for keeping all liquids away from a pool table. Food also. Fools also.

  2. harmankardon35RMCORP2006 on 2/2/2009 7:10:16 AM

    quickshot said it all. that is the number one rule. no drinks. the stain may not come up. actually it probably won't. i would recommend you to get it recovered in a teflon cloth to avoid this. or if you are using a worsted cloth like simonis then buy a can of scotch guard and spray it on before your party starts. give it time to dry. then when the party is done vaccum the table real good with a shop vac. if you can find brunswick centennial cloth maybe use that stuff. it's worsted and feels like championship tour edition BUT it is heavily teflon coated to provide a waterproofing and stain resister.

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Water Stain on Pool Table Felt

  • Title: Water Stain on Pool Table Felt
  • Author:
  • Published: 1/23/2009 2:16:36 AM