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Stain color for pool table

Stain color for pool table

I am currently making/redoing a pool table/dining table top combo using parts from an old pool table (7ft). It is being made with red oak veneer and solid red oak wood mix. Has anyone seen or had any experience with a different stain color than the normal cherry, mahogany, walnut, etc? I am considering a charcoal gray stain (minwax) on the oak. Or has anyone seen a table using grays or blues as the satin color choice or something different than the normal wood tones?

Stain color for pool table

Replies & Comments

  1. dduffettquickshot on 3/8/2010 4:25:35 PM

    The best thing you may want to do is take a spare piece or scrap piece and experiment with it and leave it someplace on the table for a few days just to see it it works. It won't take long for your eye to tell you yes or no. Listen to your instinct. And even if you like the experiment piece you may not like the finished larger piece i.e. the table.

  2. dduffettdduffett on 3/8/2010 4:38:57 PM

    OK, thanks. I may have not worded this question right. I am looking for someone who has seen or played on a table that is an off color stain other than the traditional wood tones. I already have done the background on the different colors. Just looking for someone who has seen some different colored tables. Say maybe it was "God awful" or "I have a custom stained table and it is ..(blank)...."

  3. dduffettmodpod77 on 7/28/2010 11:53:22 AM

    I have seen one before, and it doesnt look so bad. Anyway, you dont have to care about other people thoughts about your pool table, as long as you make use of it, and work out on your own, then you have done a very good job, and should be proud of it.

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Stain color for pool table

  • Title: Stain color for pool table
  • Author: (D Duffett)
  • Published: 3/8/2010 4:13:22 PM