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Restoring a Brunswick Anniversary 130 Pool Table

Restoring a Brunswick Anniversary 130 Pool Table

I have a Brunswick Anniversary 130 pool table. I am wondering if it would be worth restoring?

Restoring a Brunswick Anniversary 130 Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. TimRand 9 on 12/26/2012 3:40:33 PM

    The Brunswick 130 Anniversary pool table was made in 1975 and although the base was walnut contact vinyl over MDF, it was a well built home billiard table that sold new for around $900.

    They sell, in decent shape and with fresh Simonis cloth, delivered and installed for around $1300-1400 today.

    You'll have to judge by the condition of the base and cushions but if it wasn't abused or installed in a damp basement location they are very playable and well worth the investment in refurbishing.

    When in doubt pay for an appraisal from your local installer(s) and if you decide to purchase, they might be able to do the tear down and re-install for a reasonable fee, or even waive the appraisal fee.

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Restoring a Brunswick Anniversary 130 Pool Table

  • Title: Restoring a Brunswick Anniversary 130 Pool Table
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/16/2009 3:01:52 AM