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Pool Table With Tensite A3 Cushions

Pool Table With Tensite A3 Cushions

I am re-building an approx. 80-85 yr.old pool table. Replace rail cushions and new cloth. The cushions have a trademark "tensite A3. Hoping this will date my table since I think this may be original cushions. The rail bolts mount horizontal into the slate of table

Pool Table With Tensite A3 Cushions

Replies & Comments

  1. mac1953Fenwick on 12/22/2013 2:23:06 PM

    I think the Billiards Forum Owner, Administrator, and Webmaster referred someone to another site, AZBILLIARDS. Go to ask the "Talk To A Mechanic" section and you'll get your answer.

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Pool Table With Tensite A3 Cushions

  • Title: Pool Table With Tensite A3 Cushions
  • Author: (Mark Mcdougle)
  • Published: 12/17/2013 7:44:32 PM