Official placement of table sights (diamonds)
1/23/2016 4:54:16 PM
Official placement of table sights (diamonds)
Can someone help me, I'm looking at putting on sights to a table that does not have any pre-installed. It is a 8x4 table.
Can someone clarify correct placements for table rail sights for an 8ft table. I can't find it anywhere on the net and am looking to install some on a table that has none. I need to know the official spacing or at least pictures with a tape measure between them?
Official placement of table sights (diamonds)
Replies & Comments
- Prolifik on 2/1/2016 12:38:54 AM
No one can measure for me? Or supply pics?
Official placement of table sights (diamonds)
- Title: Official placement of table sights (diamonds)
- Author: Prolifik
- Published: 1/23/2016 4:54:16 PM