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Kasson Voyager Pool Table Assembly

Kasson Voyager Pool Table Assembly

I just got a kasson voyager yesterday but it didn't come with instructions or bolts. Does any one know what bolts I need to assemble the Kasson Voyager pool table and where I can find the Kasson instructions? It is a 8 foot, 3-piece Italian slate pool table.

Kasson Voyager Pool Table Assembly

Replies & Comments

  1. Darthanianuser1502330893 on 8/9/2017 10:08:14 PM

    Does anyone have the Kasson Voyager pool table assembly instructions?

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Kasson Voyager Pool Table Assembly

  • Title: Kasson Voyager Pool Table Assembly
  • Author: (Daniel Gesick)
  • Published: 3/6/2011 12:40:54 PM