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Irving Kaye Silver Shadow Lions Head Pool Table Parts

Irving Kaye Silver Shadow Lions Head Pool Table Parts

I have two Irving Kaye lion heads pool tables and I am looking for the plastic piece that goes around the ball return hole and rack holder. Actually I could use 2.

I also need the Irving Kaye plugs that go in the top of the rails to cover rail bolts.

I bought one of these Irving Kaye lions head pool tables 12 years ago and had it in storage until now. It needs to be rebuilt and 2 weeks ago I found another one in very playable condition and bought it. It is set up and I'm in heaven playing on it. The pockets are very tight and that's why I bought the first one. You practice on one of these and get good and you wont miss on any sloppy pocket pool table.

If anyone knows where I can get any of these parts I would be grateful.

Irving Kaye Silver Shadow Lions Head Pool Table Parts

Replies & Comments

  1. poolplayer3333user1553014865 on 3/19/2019 10:01:06 AM

    Does anyone know where I can get bolts for the lion heads on my Irving Kaye bar box pool table?

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Irving Kaye Silver Shadow Lions Head Pool Table Parts

  • Title: Irving Kaye Silver Shadow Lions Head Pool Table Parts
  • Author: (Jerry Kuchar)
  • Published: 7/11/2011 7:56:16 PM