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good idea to be moving the pool table a lot?

good idea to be moving the pool table a lot?

I am looking to buy a pool table to be placed in my garage.

Is it a good idea to move the table towards the end of the garage when it is not in used, and bring it back out when my friends come over to play? Would all of the moving around of the pool table eventually mess things up?

I am thinking that if it is against the wall whenever it's not in used, I can just practice my shot, which is good too.

Also, are those 2 in 1 pool table combos online any good?

I am just a beginner, so I am still trying to learn as much as I can.

good idea to be moving the pool table a lot?

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good idea to be moving the pool table a lot?

  • Title: good idea to be moving the pool table a lot?
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/21/2011 1:03:21 AM