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Dismantle American Shuffleboard Commercial Table

Dismantle American Shuffleboard Commercial Table

Looking for pointers on how to go about dis-assembly of an American Shuffleboard commercial table?

Dismantle American Shuffleboard Commercial Table

Replies & Comments

  1. bubbakidZak on 3/30/2011 3:17:38 PM

    I'm looking for help on refelting too! I have this old pool table in a house we just bought, its from the 1930's and I want to fix it up cause it would look great. Who does that kind of work, woodwork? Any help would be appreciated! zakalz123@gmail.com

  2. bubbakidrunout on 5/25/2011 8:26:53 AM


    Sorry, only watched it done. Just pay to get it done right!

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Dismantle American Shuffleboard Commercial Table

  • Title: Dismantle American Shuffleboard Commercial Table
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/1/2011 8:46:22 AM