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Adhesive rings applied to felt for racking 9 ball

Adhesive rings applied to felt for racking 9 ball

Does anyone here know where to find the rings described in the subject heading? I've only seen them in Japan, but they're ideal for acheiving a perfect, tight grouping every time without using a wooden or plastic rack. They're roughly 1 1/2" rings which appear to be made of acrylic or PVC, and they apply directly to the felt as a foot or head spot would, but in the diamond pattern of a nine-ball rack. These allow you to rack the balls by placing them in the center of the rings, which hold them in place with no gaps between the balls. Everyone I've asked about them either has no idea what I'm talking about, or they think they would interfere with the normal path of a ball rolling over them, which they don't. Please post if you know where I can find these.....thanks.

Adhesive rings applied to felt for racking 9 ball

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Adhesive rings applied to felt for racking 9 ball

  • Title: Adhesive rings applied to felt for racking 9 ball
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/16/2009 10:43:53 AM