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Help identify age and series of Olhausen table

Help identify age and series of Olhausen table

I looked at a used Olhausen today and was told that it was approximately 10 years old but they had no proof. It is in really good shape, Im just trying to figure out what series the table is and if the age is about right. Any know of a site that shows older Olhause tables? Here are a few pictures if anyone could help. Thanks...

Help identify age and series of Olhausen table

Replies & Comments

  1. ghgardplaytymebilliards on 1/8/2011 5:57:43 AM

    Alot of times the seller put the name of the buyer as well as the date it was to be delivered on the inside of the frame. You would need to craw under the table and have a flashlight handy.

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Help identify age and series of Olhausen table

  • Title: Help identify age and series of Olhausen table
  • Author: (Grant Gardner)
  • Published: 1/5/2011 5:57:15 PM