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3 Successive Foul Rule

3 Successive Foul Rule

What if player "A" commits 2 successive fouls already then when player "B" attempts for another safety, player "B" commit a foul, unluckily for player "A", when he pocketed the object ball, the ball jumps out the table. With this situation, is the 3rd foul of player "A" considered as successive and he will loose the game since player "B" commits a foul during his safety shot?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

3 Successive Foul Rule

Replies & Comments

  1. swordjags on 7/31/2011 6:48:27 AM

    I've never heard of a rule that says you loose for successive fouls.

  2. swordMitch Alsup on 7/31/2011 4:15:42 PM


    • Player A is "on" 2 fouls
    • Player B attempts a safety and commits a foul, giving player A Ball-in-Hand. Player B is "on" 1 foul.
    • Player A, then, using ball-in-hand pots a ball and the cue-ball lands off of the table

    Result: Player A looses this game due to the 3 foul rule.

    Both players can be accruing fouls at the same time. To get off the 'foul counter', a player must perform at least a single shot without committing a foul.

    Also note that most 8-ball rule-sets do not have a 3-foul rule in them.

  3. swordZeke on 6/13/2012 7:28:21 AM

    Mitch, by what means do you assume this is an 8-ball question? It may very well be, but I don't see that info supplied.

    Perhaps I missed that qualifier but if he was referring to straight pool, he doesn't "lose the game" - player A has 15 points subtracted from his score.


  4. swordFenwick on 6/21/2012 11:03:29 AM

    "What if player "A" commits 2 successive fouls already then when player "B" attempts for another safety, player "B" commit a foul, unluckily for player "A", when he pocketed the object ball, the ball jumps out the table. With this situation, is the 3rd foul of player "A" considered as successive and he will loose the game since player "B" commits a foul during his safety shot?"

    I think you mean player A's consecutive foul. Player B's fouls have no effect on player A's fouls. In 9 ball it would be loss of game. In 8 ball, if it was 8 ball, surely 3 ball-in-hands should result in player B being able to run out.

    Mitch is correct, there is no 3 successive foul rule in 8 ball.

    Straight pool would be "minus 1" for every foul, plus a 15 ball penalty. Total points lost would be 18. Play continues.

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3 Successive Foul Rule

  • Title: 3 Successive Foul Rule
  • Author:
  • Published: 7/30/2011 11:44:10 PM