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Are Players in Canadian Pool Leagues Under Ranked?

Are Players in Canadian Pool Leagues Under Ranked?

Has anyone ever heard of a Jamaican fellow named Wayne Dwyer?

I first saw this guy in 2000 or 2001 in Quebec, where he won the Quebec 8-ball championships. He won 2 out of three years. Then I hear he won the CPA back to back and the VNEA championships in Las Vegas. Last year I went down to the Canadian Championships to cover the event and there he was playing in the men's open singles and teams. His team took first place and I believe he finished 3-4 in the singles.

Now to get to my point. I have talked to people who play with him and know him, and was told that he is ranked a "single a" (A) in his league. Now remember there are higher levels like "double a" (AA) and "triple a" (AAA).

My question is, with all this young man has achieved and from what I have seen, why is he so under-ranked in the Canadian pool leagues?

Are Players in Canadian Pool Leagues Under Ranked?

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Are Players in Canadian Pool Leagues Under Ranked?

  • Title: Are Players in Canadian Pool Leagues Under Ranked?
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/23/2009 12:32:50 PM