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Meucci O-3 or Meucci 95-22 Cue Wanted

Meucci O-3 or Meucci 95-22 Cue Wanted

I am looking for a Meucci OL-3 (aka Meucci Oldie 3) or Meucci O-3 or Meucci 95-22. I must have close-up images showing actual detailed condition of the cue as well as the condition of the entire cure.

Meucci O-3 or Meucci 95-22 Cue Wanted

Replies & Comments

  1. Bohemianelliojs on 6/25/2009 6:40:35 PM

    I have a Meucci Oldie-3 pool cue I want to sell if you are still interested.

  2. BohemianBohemian on 6/26/2009 7:04:07 AM

    Yes, I am still interested in a Meucci Oldie-3 cue.

  3. Bohemianmtreeisme on 7/25/2010 10:42:46 AM

    I have a Meucci Oldie 3 cue. My mother is the original owner. The cue is in extremely good condition. If you are still looking for this cue please respond via my email due to the fact that I do not have an account with this forum.

    My email is mtreeisme@yahoo.com and I would be happy to send you several photos so you can see the quality of this cue.

    Personally I've never cared for the way Meucci cues play. I prefer a stiffer playing cue. This Meucci Oldie-3 cue originally retailed for $795 and I would not let the cue go for any less than $800.00 just to let you know.

  4. Bohemianuser1592503009 on 6/18/2020 10:56:51 AM

    I'm selling my Meucci O-3 cue from the Meucci Oldies series:


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Meucci O-3 or Meucci 95-22 Cue Wanted

  • Title: Meucci O-3 or Meucci 95-22 Cue Wanted
  • Author: (P Kenney)
  • Published: 9/27/2008 8:38:52 PM