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Predator 3K5 Cue and Predator P2 Cue For Sale

Predator 3K5 Cue and Predator P2 Cue For Sale

Selling two Predator pool cues. This 3K5 is in great condition, with a 314 shaft. Sell for $600.00. I also have a P2 made after 2004 has optional black wrap, and a 314 shaft. Sell for $500.

The McDermott cues pictured are also for sale. Post here or send an email for more information.

Predator 3K5 Cue and Predator P2 Cue For Sale

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Predator 3K5 Cue and Predator P2 Cue For Sale

  • Title: Predator 3K5 Cue and Predator P2 Cue For Sale
  • Author: (Tony Kalisiak)
  • Published: 5/11/2009 1:43:34 PM