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What is a Cue Tip Aerator, Shaper and Scuffer?

What is a Cue Tip Aerator, Shaper and Scuffer?

I have a Cuetec 3 in one tool and have no idea how to use it (I just got my first stick) or when to use it?

What is a Cue Tip Aerator, Shaper and Scuffer?

Replies & Comments

  1. ianizaguirrequickshot on 4/12/2010 10:10:00 PM

    It is used to keep your tip roughted up so it holds chalk and to keep it from mushrooming from constant use.

  2. ianizaguirreianizaguirre on 4/13/2010 6:48:08 AM

    Is this the only tool i need for the tip? and how do you use the aerator?

  3. ianizaguirreFenwick on 4/13/2010 5:23:08 PM

    Do you mean tip pick when you say aerator? You can chalk the tip and use the pick to impregnate the tip, with chalk and by making holes the tip will take and hold chalk better. You can also use a slight twisting action with the pick to roughen it up for the same reason. I prefer the Ultimate Tip Tool myself. It also burnishes your tip when it becomes mushroomed. I comes with directions and the cost is around $16.00. What I don't like about the Cuetec 3 in one tool is the way it shaves the sided of a tip. You can do some real damage to the feral of your shaft.

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What is a Cue Tip Aerator, Shaper and Scuffer?

  • Title: What is a Cue Tip Aerator, Shaper and Scuffer?
  • Author: (Ian Izaguirre)
  • Published: 4/12/2010 7:29:04 PM