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joint question

joint question

What is the actual joint size equivalent to a viking joint # 5? I'm looking to order a predator shaft, but cant figure out which size to select.

joint question

Replies & Comments

  1. guestjana on 4/17/2007 6:10:01 PM

    I've contacted a friend over at Schmidt Billiards, and i'll report back as soon as they respond with the information. Unfortunately none of the Viking catalogues list the corresponding joint sizes.

  2. guestjana on 4/19/2007 11:31:38 AM

    They didn't know what size the Viking cue joints were, because Viking does not publish that information. They suggested calling Viking directly, at 1-800-397-0122.

  3. guestkyle on 4/20/2007 4:04:05 PM

    It's probably a quick release (has about 5 threads), when I got my 314 I sent them my cue to ensure a proper fit.

  4. guestRay J on 5/13/2007 4:08:01 AM

    Cue shafts from Predator 314 are sold to fit particular cue brands. Please see the website section from seyberts.com


    What is the actual joint size equivalent to a viking joint # 5? I'm looking to order a predator shaft, but cant figure out which size to select.

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joint question

  • Title: joint question
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/17/2007 4:32:55 PM