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Seating for a Dining Table Pool Table Combo

Seating for a Dining Table Pool Table Combo

I am currently working with a multi-purpose dining table that transforms into a pool/snooker table. However the current seating has to be stacked around the table and interferes with play. I am looking to identify if there is a large problem with storing seating around pool tables.

Seating for a Dining Table Pool Table Combo

Replies & Comments

  1. blhudsonZeke on 7/2/2014 6:24:32 AM

    I've seen some "upscale" stackable chairs, however, they are typically for the deck and outdoor use.

    This suggests they will be too utilitarian to use both ways -or - somewhat expensive cushions will be required to make them suitable for Thanksgiving dinner ;)

  2. blhudsonblhudson on 7/8/2014 1:17:12 PM

    Thank you that is useful, do you believe there is a gap in the market for storing seating around multi purpose tables as i am doing this for a project and i am gathering evidence for research.

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Seating for a Dining Table Pool Table Combo

  • Title: Seating for a Dining Table Pool Table Combo
  • Author: (B. Hudson)
  • Published: 7/2/2014 4:08:46 AM