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Kasson vs Legacy Megan

Kasson vs Legacy Megan

I am interested in 2 tables.
Kasson (not sure the model) that is 7years old and is $500. Assembled. $300 to disassemble, move and assemble = $ 800 total. Legacy-Megan that is 4 years old and is $600. Already disassembled. $200 to move and assemble = $800 total. Which is the better buy? Thanks a bunch!

Kasson vs Legacy Megan

Replies & Comments

  1. mydoggychloejohnwicks on 12/1/2010 7:28:28 AM

    I think last one is the best table.

  2. mydoggychloeprobilliards on 12/8/2010 8:25:11 AM

    Either table is decent so probably the one that looks best to you. I believe the kasson model is a Bentley.

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Kasson vs Legacy Megan

  • Title: Kasson vs Legacy Megan
  • Author:
  • Published: 11/24/2010 9:04:54 PM