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Question on cue stick, please help

Question on cue stick, please help

Hi. I am a beginner of 8 balls, and I have been looking for a 2-piece cue stick. I went to big 5 and Sears, and it turns out that most of their cues come with a wooded flat tip, meaning I have to get something to rub it up and shape it to a rounded tip so that I can play with it. Since I just started playing pool for a couple of months, I really don't know how to do it. I am wondering how to find a good cue stick that could come with a rounded tip ( I dont have to rub it up or shape it before I can actually play with it)? If I buy a cue stick online, like these two

billiards.com/pool-cues?gclid=CPyKv-rXlqACFRIaagodvUxW9w poolcueguru.com/shop/brand/dufferin/?gclid=COD_h4jYlqACFQdHagodZCyQuA

Will they come with a rounded tip or a flat tip?

With less than $55, what cue stick should I get? What brad? I have heard of Dufferin, Vector and Action, which one is better within my budget?

Please help. Thanks a lot.

Question on cue stick, please help

Replies & Comments

  1. kevin198897quickshot on 3/1/2010 6:53:50 AM

    If your budget is $55 I would suggest you use a house cue until you can save up your money to purchase a reasonable decent cue stick. Anything you buy for $55 is not going to be that much better.

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Question on cue stick, please help

  • Title: Question on cue stick, please help
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/28/2010 9:19:56 PM