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Blaze Cues?

Blaze Cues?

I've been looking to buy a cue as a present to someone who has never owned their own cue before. My budget cannot exceed $200 but I feel I've found some decent options within the $120-$220 range.

I've found one that visually is exactly what I'm looking for, and the materials seem legitimate, but I dont trust the brand nor have I been able to find information on it online. It's "Blaze" cues. The way their site is set up is rather goofy, which makes them harder for me to trust, but a handful of their less flamboyant designs are pretty attractive and I dont want to turn them down, since compared to any other online name brand cue shopping they dont seem to be too much different in terms of how and what they are made from.

Does anyone have any kind of experience with this brand? Their site says that they have an exchange policy, but not a return one. But if the brand in general is not very good I wouldnt want to just switch one for another.

Also, does anyone have any other brand to recommend?

Blaze Cues?

Replies & Comments

  1. Eris.ValeFenwick on 4/5/2012 6:14:49 AM

    "Also, does anyone have any other brand to recommend?"

    For a first cue, a Sneaky Pete.

  2. Eris.ValeMitch Alsup on 4/5/2012 10:52:47 AM


    Bunch of nice cues in the J&J line that fit your cost structure.

  3. Eris.Valecarter1984 on 4/5/2012 11:54:31 AM

    I work for Sterling Gaming, and we distribute the Blaze brand.

    Blaze cues are perfectly suitable for any type of player. Just as with most cues, the less expensive models are done with mostly overlay work, and then as the price gets higher, so does the level of inlay work in the cue.

    They've been around for almost ten years now, and have been popular in different regions of the country where they get exposure. We experience a very low rate of return/defect.

    I can tell you that the cues are produced in the same factory that produces many of the top name brand cues today.

    I can tell you from a distributor point of view that we stand behind every product that we sell exclusively.

    If you have found a model that you really like, don't be afraid to pull the trigger, and feel free to contact me with any questions.

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Blaze Cues?

  • Title: Blaze Cues?
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/5/2012 5:34:56 AM