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Mastering the Jump Shot by Robin Dodson

Mastering the Jump Shot by Robin Dodson

Mastering The Jump Shot

Pool players have long wanted the secret to the amazing jump shot and now that secret is out! Robin Dodson's highly anticipated DVD, "Mastering The Jump Shot," has exploded onto the billiards instructional market.

If winning matches is your goal, jump into the mind of pool professional Robin Dodson as she teaches the secrets of mastering the jump shot.

Robin's step-by-step instruction incorporates over twenty years of teaching and experience in world class competition into this user-friendly and easy-to-navigate DVD. She will show you:

  • how to play the percentages - you will learn when & when not to jump
  • how to aim
  • how to improve your stroke and follow-through
  • how to develop your accuracy
  • how to control where the cue ball lands and improve your position play
  • the drills that made Robin a master of the jump shot

Robin shares memories from her long & storied career along with photos and music. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned player, your game will definitely improve with the knowledge Robin offers on the jump shot. Whether your opponent hooks you or you get a bad roll, mastery of the jump shot will win games, matches & even tournaments for you! "Mastering The Jump Shot" is definitely a "must have" DVD and an invaluable addition to your billiard library.

Wholesale prices are available. For more information or to order your copy, contact Robin or Roy

Mastering the Jump Shot by Robin Dodson

Replies & Comments

  1. RobinDodsonRobinDodson on 8/5/2011 12:31:40 PM

    I guess it would have helped to give my e-mail address. Sorry.

    This has been a fun project, but there are so many pre-orders it feels like work doing the paper work.

    Thank you, Robin

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Mastering the Jump Shot by Robin Dodson

  • Title: Mastering the Jump Shot by Robin Dodson
  • Author: (Robin Dodson)
  • Published: 8/4/2011 12:29:04 AM