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When Cue Ball Hits Opponents Ball First

When Cue Ball Hits Opponents Ball First

Player one is unable to hit their object ball and instead of attempting to hit the ball off the cushion they hit the opposing players ball?

My friend suggested that this will somehow forfeit the game but I believe it is simply a scratch.

What are your thoughts? Perhaps there's not even a difference between whether or not the player is able to hit their object ball? A scratch is a scratch at the end of the day?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

When Cue Ball Hits Opponents Ball First

Replies & Comments

  1. guestdlabout on 1/12/2010 2:19:32 PM

    When playing ball in had rules it is considered a foul to not contact your ball and after contact drive a ball to a rail. When a player commits a foul it is cue ball in hand for the opponent anywhere on the table. Now bar rules, well.... anyones guess.

  2. guestquickshot on 1/12/2010 4:25:34 PM

    foul. Ball in hand for the opponent anywhere on the table.

  3. guestMitch Alsup on 1/13/2010 12:31:54 PM

    The first two incidences in a row are simple fouls, the third incident is loss of game. (3 fouls in a row).

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When Cue Ball Hits Opponents Ball First

  • Title: When Cue Ball Hits Opponents Ball First
  • Author:
  • Published: 1/12/2010 1:56:07 PM