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Foul While the Table is Still Open

Foul While the Table is Still Open

I am not certain about what to do, when you make a foul when a table is still open, and it happens after the break - you have to play from the kitchen just like while breaking or you get ball in hand?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

Foul While the Table is Still Open

Replies & Comments

  1. guestMitch Alsup on 9/15/2013 2:51:18 PM

    Depends on the rule set and on what kind of foul and when.

    APA a scratch (foul) on the break is a BIK BCA scratch on the break is anywhere on the table BIH

    After the break (even in APA) any foul reverts to BIH.

  2. guestguest on 9/16/2013 2:33:49 AM

    ok, thank you:)

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Foul While the Table is Still Open

  • Title: Foul While the Table is Still Open
  • Author:
  • Published: 9/15/2013 2:38:13 PM