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Black ball on the edge of the wrong pocket

Black ball on the edge of the wrong pocket


I am a complete newbie so please excuse my non-professional wording.

Me and my colleagues recently started playing 8-balls and we came across this tricky situation. We were both on the 8th ball with the down-right pocket declared (the opposite pocket to the where the last game ball was scored) for the black ball to finish. Accidentally I have placed the black ball on the edge of the other pocket, making it impossible to do anything else except for scoring it in that pocket and loosing the game. What happens in a situation like that? He made a foul by a miss, I did the same and we could have go like this forever. Is there any rule how to settle this kind of a situation? Can we draw the game?

I would really appreciate any helpful answers.

Regards, /A.

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

Black ball on the edge of the wrong pocket

Replies & Comments

  1. guestFenwick on 5/8/2014 8:38:01 AM

    A stalemate or a draw. Do over. Game does not count.

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Black ball on the edge of the wrong pocket

  • Title: Black ball on the edge of the wrong pocket
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/7/2014 2:19:37 AM