Old Schaaf Mfg Pool Table
1/2/2007 7:50:10 PM
Old Schaaf Mfg Pool Table
I recently (over the Christmas holiday) inherited a pool table from my Grandfather; label says Schaaf Mfg. Co. on it.
The story I got was that it was built in the early 1900's, went into a pool hall, then into a guys basement, then landed at my Grandfathers in the late 60's (1968-69 timeframe). My Grandfather sent the rails in to get them redone at that time, so I have rails with the Schaaf nameplate on them, but not sure if Schaaf was the manufacturer of the entire table. The felt even has Schaaf Manf. stamped on it along with some code (appears to be a serial number). The table definitely is old, but still solid and in great shape.
The only info that I know of the company is that they went out of business in the late 60's. Other than that, I am searching like crazy. If anyone knows anything, please post.
Picture of the nameplate attached along with a photo from my Grandfathers pool room.
This question relates to the following brands:
Old Schaaf Mfg Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/2/2007 9:05:59 PM
There isn't a lot of information out there, especially where the company is no longer is business.
Occasionally, you'll see auction houses showing a Schaaf table. eBay currently has a few auctions for 100 year-old Schaaf chalk.
I did find another guy with a Schaaf pool table in the following guestbook entry...
Name: Jeff Z.
Date: Thursday, April 12, at 12:58:52Fabulous job. I acquired a Schaaf billiard table for free! It was in a garage for 4 years in Minnesota. All the hardware, slate, balls, cues, etc. came with it.Problem was- it was totally taken apart and no instructions came with. It now proudly sits in my basement rec/pool room and is totally awesome. Your table however is a true work of art. Kudos to you! A benefit to where my table sits, is that it becomes a great place to crawl under during tornado warnings... JZ.
Maybe you can contact this person via email?
Good luck in your search, and let us know if you find anything
NiceSchaaf on 1/2/2007 9:17:36 PM
I found the same posting and tried writing, but I guess the email account has been deleted, said "No Mailbox".
I'll keep digging.
guest on 12/23/2009 12:41:48 PM
I also am looking for info on Schaaf pool tables. My dad had one that my brother now has which I may be buying form him. Any new information on this maker and values?
user1317403503 on 9/30/2011 5:25:03 PM
The Schaaf Mfg. Company did not build your pool tables. Your billiard tables are all Brunswick billiard tables. Schaaf billiard company serviced the tables as a basic contractor/sales/service type company for Brunswick, and in most cases the only thing that Schaaf did to the pool table was change the felt and add their label plate over or in place of the original Brunswick plate. This was also true of Rambo pool cues that were original one piece cues that Balabushka purchased from Brunswick and converted them into 2-piece Balabushka specials.
SchaafMFG on 2/21/2012 4:00:58 PM
SchaafMFG was a billiards company, founded in 1911, in the Minneapolis/St. Paul-MN, by Valentine Schaaf (my great-grandfather). SchaafMFG manufactured pool tables, bowling alleys and standard billiards supplies. The company was run by Vanentine Schaaf and his two sons Robert Schaaf and John(Jack) Schaaf. MFG The business declined after the death of Robert Schaaf in WWII, but Jack ran the business in some fashion until the early 1980's.
The table is an antique. Probably 1940's. There aren't that many tables around anymore and many are in rough condition. You got a good one.
Hope you enjoy the table,
tdetloff on 7/31/2012 9:09:12 AM
I also have an antique table which was owned by my great uncle, who aquired it from a bar which was going out of business in the early 70's. The plate on the end of the table looks considerably older than the one pictured above, but the style of the table looks quite similar. I will have to post pictures and I would appreciate any info anyone would have on the age. I also have a set of 'baseball pocket billiards' numbered 1-21 with the table. I am having trouble locating much info on these as well, besides the game itself and rules. Thanks!
tdetloff on 8/7/2012 8:43:31 AM
I have pictures now of what I have. Can anyone help me with some info?
DsmithBFL on 4/26/2013 2:17:13 AM
That's a gorgeous pool table. Very modern yet still retaining its classic roots. The associated pool cues are the only thing that is missing from this setup.
scindapsus on 6/24/2013 7:02:10 PM
That pool table is really a valuable christmas gift!
jschaaf on 10/16/2013 6:59:55 AM
Hi There. I know all about the company that made your table. You post questions for me below.
Judy Schaafuser1526392801 on 5/15/2018 2:00:01 PM
I have one of these Schaaf Mfg. billiard tables. Do you know any more information about it?
jschaaf on 5/15/2018 8:23:05 PM
Hi yes. I have written an illustrated short history of the company and have some of the catalogs in pdf format. If you leave your email address here I will send these to you. I do not want to put my own email here because I may get flooded with messages and requests!
Here is the brief illustrated history of the Schaaf Manufacturing company I wrote as well as a 1956 Schaaf's company catalog (see first few pages and the last page for pool tables).
@billiardsforum - Sure, you can post the history and the Schaaf catalogs.
billiardsforum on 5/15/2018 10:10:40 PM
Excellent, thanks for sending the details!
I've posted your history to the Schaaf Pool Tables page, and supplemented it with some additional information and photos I have collected over the years.
jorn on 6/19/2018 10:21:26 PM
I have a Schaaf pool table of similar vintage I’d love to identify and know more about it.
user1529699817 on 6/22/2018 4:37:00 PM
I have a Schaaf snooker table. I would be very interested in any information on this or similar Schaaf Manufacturing snooker tables. If anyone has any info please reply under my original post.
Chad Eslinger on 6/26/2018 12:33:46 AM
@jschaaf, I would like to see your history of the Schaaf pool tables. Can you send it to me?
user1546474731 on 1/2/2019 4:18:52 PM
I have a Schaaf pool cue that I am seeking information on. Photos and details in the link.
The decal affixed to it had Schaaf Mfg Co.out of Minneapolis.
Any information, history, and value is much appreciated.
jschaaf on 1/5/2019 2:06:17 PM
You can send your email to me at jschaaf@umassd.edu and I will forward the history of the Schaaf Company.
user1565034596 on 8/5/2019 12:49:56 PM
To anyone with a Schaaf pool table - I am looking to purchase one.
Does anyone know where I can find a Schaaf billiard table for sale?
I am looking for the pool table as a present for a Schaaf family member. I would love to surprise him one.
bigkahuna_69 on 12/9/2019 10:05:35 AM
FYI - I have a fully restored 8' Schaaf pool table for sale.
user1608309097 on 12/18/2020 3:29:43 PM
I have a pool table with a Schaaf name plate as well.
user1684184394 on 5/15/2023 4:59:55 PM
@jschaaf - I would appreciate the Schaaf Mfg. info you have.
I just got my 9-foot Schaaf pool table and it's a beauty.
billiardsforum on 5/16/2023 6:38:19 AM
@user1684184394 - All of the Schaaf Mfg. Co. stuff from @jschaaf is posted here:
Old Schaaf Mfg Pool Table
- Title: Old Schaaf Mfg Pool Table
- Author: NiceSchaaf
- Published: 1/2/2007 7:50:10 PM