H.Wagner & Adler Billiards Table
2/8/2009 6:32:00 PM
H.Wagner & Adler Billiards Table
Hi, new to the forum. I was just wondering if anyone might be able to help me out. I have a "H.Wagner & Adler Co" table named "The Lincoln". It's from the late teens- early 1920's. I only know this information because of a real knowledgeable guy name "Joe Newell" (Thanks again Joe!) . It's very frustrating because I basically can find nothing on this company. I know they were in NY , NY on 14th St. I have looked on the internet search engines and can find nothing except blurbs about lawsuits and such with Brunswick (lol). I was just hoping someone in the forum may be able to point me in the right direction about finding out more. Ads, pictures, etc. It would be great if someone on the forum actually owns one. Hopefully I'm not alone!. Well, thanks in advance and hope to hear something.
H.Wagner & Adler Billiards Table
Replies & Comments
Fenwick on 2/13/2009 12:36:35 PM
I know someone who has the same table. Not nearly in the prime condition as yours. Great looking table you have there. He's a pool table history buff but never on the computer. I doubt without a very long search you will find the information you're seeking. I will ask him if he has any information that might help you on your quest when next we meet.
Otis36 on 2/13/2009 1:39:14 PM
Thanks for the info. I would love to see pics of your friends table. I have been lucky enough to get a copy of the catalogue my table was in, but that's it. I know the company started in 1875 and went up to at least the 1950's. They also made Bowling Alley's as well. Unlike Brunswick though there is really no history on the company or any substantial information that I have been able to uncover in books or the internet.
quickshot on 2/13/2009 2:49:15 PM
It is a great looking table and appears to be be in good shape and I like the room you have it in. If I come up with anything I will get back to you.
Otis36 on 2/13/2009 2:52:29 PM
Thanks. Anything would be appreciated.
jmuss2538 on 3/2/2009 11:30:58 AM
Hi. I also own an old H. Wagner & Adler Co. pool table and am in the process of setting up (again). I first set it up for my father after he bought it from an old German-American club in the late fifties. It was old then. some 20 years later I moved it and set it up in my home in Pa. I'm again setting it up in my present home. Don't know its vintage - but it is a 4-slate table and its serial number, stamped in each piece, is 23947. It has a mission oak veneer finish. My only concern is for the old cork? arc-shaped pocket moldings glued to the four slate-support frames. 2 of the 4 are still intact - the others time has taken its toll of. Not sure where to find replacements - or even raw cork material to fashion replacements out of. This table has 6 leather drop-pockets; and the 4 table legs are large (wide) round. I, too, have found little about the mfr. Does your old catalogue have any tables with large round legs? At any rate, you're not alone. You can reach me at jmuss2538@Bellsouth.net Jim
Otis36 on 3/3/2009 9:35:17 AM
Jim, The copy of the catalogue I have only has 2 tables in it and they are drawn. One is mine. The other is the next step up from mine but looks similiar. Jumbo construction with 3 slate and ball return. the rest of the catalogue is pool cues, cushions, ball racks, and electric outdoor signs. Wagner and Adler also made and installed bowling alleys. I recently found out the company was established in 1875. They were located at 44 East 14th Street, NYC in "The House On The Square". I have a copy of another catalogue cover from 1951, but nothing from the inside. Basically that's all I have been able to come up with. I never see anything on Ebay nor much on the internet search engines, Just lawsuit stuff. If I have any more luck I'll let you know. Hope you find out what you've got there.
fajr55 on 4/6/2009 2:48:19 PM
I have a similiar pool table, 9' 2' by 5', which my father played pool on when he was 17, 18. He was 75 when he died which was 12 years ago so the table is at least 90 years old. I moved into my house 27 years ago and had it moved from my father's house to my house.
It has 3 slate sections, leather pockets, the ball returns are made of wood and go from each pocket to one single track to ball drawer which slides open and closed with a key- but I do not have a key. The wood is dark with very heavy 8' by 8' wide legs. There are clusters on the side of the table in which you need a special tool to remove to take the table apart.
I am looking for some info on it.
Frank fajr55@aol.com
wjbruno88 on 4/18/2009 8:45:14 PM
I too have an old Adler & Wagner pool table. It was my fathers, i heard the same infomation, my father told me that a person who saw the table a long time ago, around the 60s-70s, said that it could be worth over 10K. now that was a while ago. does anybody know of someone who could properly appraise this table? I cant seem to find anything. any info or additional help would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any info please send an email to wjbruno88@yahoo.com
etulchin on 7/19/2009 2:23:41 PM
I have a similar table except that the "mission oak" legs are not tapered, nor is there any fancy inlaid work. I have replaced the hard rubber edge in the subways and redid the pockets. Its a 3 slate table. I think from the 1920's. Does anyone have a list of patent #s re: dates?
Thanks et
annie on 4/18/2010 6:08:52 PM
I have an H. Wagner & Adler table. It was purchased by my deceased father in 1955 but it was bought used. I want to find out the value of the table. Can anyone tell me where I would obtain a catalog or antique book to help me in my research.
tom2 on 1/6/2011 9:17:54 PM
I, too have a H. Wagner & Adler Co table I bought in NYC and would like to find some info on value and history. Please feel free to contact me: tom.lino@gmail.com It has been painted but was originally dark wood and is a three slate table with four large, upwardly tapered legs. Thanks!
Otis36 on 1/7/2011 2:39:49 PM
Tom, The base of your table looks exactly like mine, scroll up and see pics. My table is "The Lincoln" it was made in the late teens , early 1920's. I have owned the table now for about 3 years. There is not a lot of info out there about these tables. I was lucky enough to find out the name of my table through an expert I mailed pictures to. He had an old catalogue page from Wagner & Adler. I hope you are able to find out some info.
probilliards on 1/8/2011 12:47:00 PM
Call Ken Hash at (410) 256-8388 (Classic Billiards). He may have additional info on this table brand.
tom2 on 1/12/2011 11:38:32 AM
Otis, Yes, my table does look like "The Lincoln". It doesn't have any ball return though and of course it was painted.
Ken Hash at Classic Billiards responded promptly to an email inquiry I sent by saying that it "looks like it is from the 1920's, probably mahogany veneer below that painted surface, in this market as is, I would guess $1000-1200". I had asked him for his comments on it's age and value. I have been told by someone else that they thought it was also from about 1920. It does have the same "H. Wagner... Highskore" nameplate as the other one pictured above.
Would love to learn more about this company and billiard tables. -Tom
Jturner on 5/11/2011 8:51:16 PM
I too have one of these tables. Mine came from a pool hall in Brooklyn in the early 1900's.
1.25" 3 piece slate. Solid mahogany doweled support beams. Ball return with drawer. Aluminum and leather pockets.
Serial number 6880
Plays very nice!
mronhifi123 on 8/15/2011 11:04:49 PM
That is a great looking pool table and it appears to be be in good shape. I like the room you have it in. If I come up with anything I will get back to you.
harveygt on 12/13/2011 2:54:41 PM
I also have H Wagner Adler 4 1/2 X 9 table the last patent is 1898. I would like more info. can anyone help?
slice2020 on 1/3/2012 10:25:36 AM
If this door is actually a typical hollow core 6 panel door, with an 'oak' finish, you'd be ahead to just replace it. It would cost you more in materials and labor to apply an actual wood veneer over a hardboard door surface.
guest on 6/18/2012 8:22:27 PM
I too have a Wagner & Adler pool table dated 1905. I had it refurbished many years ago and unfortunately the person that did the job suggested I remove the drawer; now I realize that made the table unique! I am moving to a smaller home and looking to sell the table, but have no idea of its worth either. Has anyone had any luck finding fair market value on these tables?
H.Wagner & Adler Billiards Table
- Title: H.Wagner & Adler Billiards Table
- Author: Otis36
- Published: 2/8/2009 6:32:00 PM