1973 Brunswick Monarch Pool Table
2/22/2009 7:42:50 PM
1973 Brunswick Monarch Pool Table
I have found a Brunswick Monarch pool table from 1973 that I am interested in purchasing. The asking price is only $300.
This will be my first pool table and the condition is excellent.
Is the Brunswick Monarch pool table a quality table? It appears to be laminate construction?
It has the original felt, so do you think it will have to be replaced once I move it?
1973 Brunswick Monarch Pool Table
Replies & Comments
Dolfan777 on 9/1/2010 12:17:49 AM
That is an awesome deal! If it's in any kind of descent condition, jump on it before he/she realizes that the antique pool table is worth alot more than $300.00
jmz on 9/24/2010 4:18:33 PM
You might be able to reuse the felt. When I moved my Delta Billiards table we had no problem re -stapeling the felt.
probilliards on 9/29/2010 7:54:10 AM
$300 is a good price for any decent table. You can reuse the cloth but if it's worn you should replace it since the table is going to be reassembled anyway. As an aside, it's not an antique but an older table. Looks good tho based on your pic.
1973 Brunswick Monarch Pool Table
- Title: 1973 Brunswick Monarch Pool Table
- Author: ggever01
- Published: 2/22/2009 7:42:50 PM