1987 8 Ft. Olhausen Slate Pool Table for Sale in Hawthorne, IL
8/14/2017 4:53:03 PM
1987 8 Ft. Olhausen Slate Pool Table for Sale in Hawthorne, IL
I have a 1987 8 ft. Olhausen slate pool table for sale.
I cannot remember whether it is a Santa Ana or Americana II or what. Those are the model names I recall looking at when I purchased it new.
I have had this for 30 years and cannot find the paperwork. Does anyone know the model name? What's the value? Anyone want to buy it? Comes with lots of accessories.
By the way, the condition is fantastic. I cannot do anything about it's age. But it is an Olhausen!
Thank you!
Hawthorn Woods, IL
1987 8 Ft. Olhausen Slate Pool Table for Sale in Hawthorne, IL
Replies & Comments
user1502738264 on 8/14/2017 4:56:21 PM
By the way, condition is fantastic. I cannot do anything about it's age. But it is an Olhausen!
1987 8 Ft. Olhausen Slate Pool Table for Sale in Hawthorne, IL
- Title: 1987 8 Ft. Olhausen Slate Pool Table for Sale in Hawthorne, IL
- Author: user1502738264 (Randy K)
- Published: 8/14/2017 4:53:03 PM
- Last Updated: 8/14/2017 5:17:12 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)