My "Pool Room" in My Living Room
6/7/2012 10:10:45 AM
My "Pool Room" in My Living Room
My pool room is also part of my living room! Because of this, my wife told me to make sure the table looked like a piece of furniture.
What do you think?
My "Pool Room" in My Living Room
Replies & Comments
AwdMan on 6/8/2012 5:13:27 AM
Looks like you have a good wife.
BilliardsBill on 6/14/2012 12:08:37 AM
Amen to that AwdMan. 17 years together and she still wants me to be happy. She doesn't even shoot pool!
SwampRabbit on 6/14/2012 1:19:41 PM
How's your pool table lit Bill? Do you have enough light?
BilliardsBill on 6/14/2012 2:19:10 PM
For light, I installed a ceiling fan hanging over the table with a light fixture attached. We also have four inset lights (can lights) set in the ceiling just outside all four corners of the pool table. These combined tend to do the job quite well without making my living room look too much like a pool room.
billiardsforum on 6/14/2012 5:28:52 PM
Very nice implementation of those recessed lights. Also during the day, I can imagine those patio doors are a great source of natural light.
I second what others have said - you are a lucky man with a great set-up.
DsmithBFL on 5/13/2013 11:17:56 PM
The room looks beautiful. And judging from the overall spacing, it would also be suitable to house a home theater setup as well.
Fastfish on 6/16/2014 6:58:41 PM
Very nice! I had the same quandary, but ended up going with an antique Brunswick Kling. My table is huge though & dominates the room, but it's in the basement den & not the main living area.
juliacanousa on 12/9/2015 4:46:14 AM
Really nice Bill. :) but I must say Having your own pool table at home is one thing, but to really make your game room complete, you need the appropriate pool table accessories and you can make your living room more beautiful with these accessories.
If you want a change in your living room you can take advice from a home remodel contractor because they are experienced in this area. They will guide you perfectly about what you need the change in your living room so that you will enjoy it more as a home game room.
Recently I renovated my house with the help of a home remodeling contractor. One of my friends suggested to do so and I am seriously happy that I did.
My "Pool Room" in My Living Room
- Title: My "Pool Room" in My Living Room
- Author: BilliardsBill (William Lindan)
- Published: 6/7/2012 10:10:45 AM