Identify a Fischer Pool Table
1/14/2018 5:15:16 PM
Identify a Fischer Pool Table
I am trying to identify an Fischer pool table.
The only numbers I see are on the bottom of the pool table and they are "2,64". Do you think that is the year it was made?
Identify a Fischer Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/14/2018 8:12:12 PM
Is it just "2, 64"? This would likely be the month and year of manufacture. February 1964 in your case. Even if it isn't that, the 1964-era is bang on if you had to put a date on when the pool table was made. Right in the ball park.
Is there absolutely no other numbers on the pool table anywhere? You have looked all underneath thoroughly? Normally, on Fischer pool tables, underneath the top (most were one piece marble), on the ball return end will be a stenciled mfg date after Fischer co name. It would contain this information:
Fischer 7 72
2358 2638 xxxx xxxx (s/n)
Ball Spot this endOn the other end, on a decal, on a decal you would find info like this:
Genuine Marble
Guaranteed not to Warp
Fischer Mfg. Co.
Tipton, Mo.Is it a coin-operated pool table?
It is most likely a Fischer Crown pool table. There were three models:
- Fischer Crown 100
- Fischer Crown 90
- Fischer Crown 85
Here is a stapled-on Fischer Mfg "packing slip" I once saw on a Fischer Crown pool table. But the numbers don't seem to be derived from a date-of-manufacture.
user1540248253 on 10/22/2018 3:44:14 PM
My Fischer pool table says:
Fischer 6, 73
101 PL3 3948 3818 xxxx xxxx
Ball Spot This EndNothing about marble.
billiardsforum on 10/23/2018 7:02:18 PM
@user1540248253 - You will need to upload some photos of your Fischer pool table before we'll be able to help you.
Include photos of whatever area you found those numbers on as well.
Identify a Fischer Pool Table
- Title: Identify a Fischer Pool Table
- Author: Goldie
- Published: 1/14/2018 5:15:16 PM
- Last Updated: 1/14/2018 7:51:45 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)