Pocketing Your Ball, and Your Opponents Ball
1/30/2010 9:59:24 AM
Pocketing Your Ball, and Your Opponents Ball
There are a bunch of unanswered questions that came through the comments section of the general rules of pocket billiards page. Figured some of you guys/gals would have some answers.
View the comments here: General Rules of Pocket Billiards (scroll to the bottom)
If you find a question you can answer, Just copy into a reply to this thread, and include you answer.
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Pocketing Your Ball, and Your Opponents Ball
Replies & Comments
Mitch Alsup on 1/30/2010 2:44:41 PM
Is it legal to sit or lean on the table if one foot is on the floor when making a shot?
Is the object ball spotted somewhere beyond the head string if your opposing player scratches, and you have ball in hand and your only remaining ball is behind the head string, how do you shoot at your object ball? Is the object ball spotted somewhere beyond the head string?
Ball in Hand means you can put the ball anywhere on the bed of the table and shoot in any direction. Ball in kitchen menas that the ball must be inside the headstring and must contact something outside the kitchen before making contact with anything within the kitchen. A Masse shot can leave the kitchen and then backup into the kitchen without touching a rail because the CB touched the felt outside the kitchen.
Is it illegal for the cue stick to touch the surface of the table during a stroke? For example, when you are shooting a jump shot and the stroke continues beyond contact and the tip touches the felt.
Legal jump shots must contact the ball to be jumped above the equator of the ball. That is no scooping. After the ball leaves the bed of the table, the cue stick or tip is allowed to impact the table.
hi, if i intend to pocket one of my ball and failed to pocket it but at the same time i pocket an other of my balls, is it true that it becomes ball in hand? or it his simply the opponents turn to play?
You must use a legal stroke and make first contact with a legal ball. Then at least one ball goes in a pocket or at least one ball makes contact with a rail. If these steps are performed, there is not foul and no BIH.
Sir: While palying eight-ball, what is the penalty for purposely shooting the oppenants ball with the cue stick and not using the cue ball. IE: My opponent has solids, and I shoot a solid with the cue stick, to tie it up, and I do not use the cue ball. I know it is an intentional foul, but what is the penalty. Under what rule does is this addressed? Thank you, Bob
This should be considered unsportsmanlike conduct. First occurance is BIH and warning, Second occurance (in match) is loss of game, third occurance is loss of match. I know many of us would jump in at step 2--loss of game.
If u are on the last ball and u make it in the pocket that u wanted it to go in, and it goes in that pocket but right after the white ball bounces back and hits the 8 ball in while it would be your next ball anyway. Would you win or loose?
Loose. You have to call the 8-ball on a shot that the CB hits the 8-ball first in order to win.
if you call a 8 ball in a pocket and it hits the opponents ball but still goes in does the other player win?
Depends on the rules (in play). There are a few sets of rules where this is a loss, most where this remains a win (BCA APA, VENA), and one or two (no slop) where if you called the carrom it is still a win, otherwise its a loss.
Is there a rule on table talk after an opponent has called his shot? I need to print if for my league.
Yes, table talk by an opponent falls into unsportsmanlike conduct--however, note: the opponent (but not his team) is allowed to ask what the call is. Tabletalk by teammates is also unsportsmanlike conduct. Also note: no coaching from teammates durring play. A coach is NOT allowed to ask what his player called. Outbursts from the (non-aligned) audience are grounds for removal from the audience.
I have a table which does not have the marks on the top for the lines behind which the ball can be shot on a break or where the rack should be placed when starting a game. Is it possible to find a drawing of the top of a pool table with the dimensions for those features?
The head-spot and foot-spot are 1/4 the distance from the nose of the two end rails and 1/2 way from the nose of the side rails. Simple tape measure will suffice.
Can you lay the rake or mecanical aid on the table as a bridge and then use both hands on the cue<
Generally speaking, no. While using a cue stick as a pointer is legal, if you let go of the cue even for an instant, the cue has gone from being a pointer to being a measurement instrument and this constitutes a foul (use of equiptment in a way other than it was designed to be used). There are some accomodations for handicapped pool players.
I have a player stating that it is illegal to use the 8 ball in any comination. Is their any written rule that states on way or the other as to this question? I believe it is stated in the "legal shot" rule. Thanks
This is one of these "It depends" questions. Some rules have the 8-ball as neutral and can be used in combinations, some have the 8-ball as illegal to be used in combinations.
Is it legal to hit my target ball and have it hit my opponents ball on its way to the pocket I called prior to the shot?
Generally speaking: If you use a legal stroke, hit a legal ball first, and drop the called ball in the called pocket, the other details that transpire along the path are irrelevent. However, in "No Slop" you have to call these little details.
If you perform the break shot and the eight ball goes in the pocket, but another ball goes into that same pocket after it, is that still considered a win?
Yes: assuming you are playing under rules where the 8-ball on the break is considered a win. It remains a win even if all the other balls (excepting the CB) drop in pockets.
In a game of 8 ball, you legally shot in all your balls, is it a legal win if, on your last ball before the 8 ball, you make the shot and afterwards the cue rolls and knocks the 8 into the pocket.
No, this is a loss. You must call the 8-ball in its pocket, and then use a legal stroke and contact the 8-ball first in order to win.
Is it legal to hit my opponent's ball first when making a combo shot? For example, if my opponent hits his ball first, then that object ball contacts on my by balls, then his object ball goes in the intended pocket. Is that a legal shot in general billiard rules?
No, this is illegal. You must contact a legal ball first, your opponents balls are not considered legal balls for you to hit first.
When both people are shooting for the eight ball. Can they call the same pocket?
jana on 1/30/2010 2:54:51 PM
All I can say is; Mitch, WOW. Good job buddy.
sophie hart on 12/6/2010 4:00:14 AM
I found very useful tips here, but, i am a bit confused on whether we can shoot backwards in billiard, i.e. after the opponent pockets a cue ball?
Mitch Alsup on 12/6/2010 2:44:50 PM
Can you describe what you mean by "shoot backwards"?
- time (on macro scales) is irreversible
- you must strike the cue ball with the tip of the cue
- if the cue-ball strikes the cue tip it is a foul
Fenwick on 12/6/2010 2:46:40 PM
If the cue ball is pocketed it's a scratch. After a scratch it's generally ball in hand. I'm talking about playing 8 ball, 9 ball, 10 ball BCA, WPA rules.
I believe playing APA 8 ball you shoot out of the kitchen if you scratch on the break otherwise it's ball in hand. 14/1 it's ball in hand anywhere in the kitchen, behind the head string.
If your playing in the kitchen rules; behind the head string after you scratch you can not shoot a ball in the kitchen. There is one exception. I'm not sure which sanctioned body but if if all balls are also in the kitchen the ball closest to the head string gets spotted.
When you use the word Billiards I think we're playing three cushion.
Mitch Alsup on 12/6/2010 5:59:30 PM
You cannot shoot directly at a ball in the kitchen. You can shoot at a rail and then at a ball in the kitchen. And you can Masse the CB out of the kitchen and back into the kitchen at a ball in the kitchen. But somewhere along the way, the CB has to leave the kitchen before making contact with an object ball.
sophie hart on 12/6/2010 11:45:56 PM
Right, so it means that, in any case leaving kitchen is a must, even if we have ball in hand before it strikes a ball.
Mitch Alsup on 12/7/2010 1:26:35 PM
Ball in hand meand you can put the ball anywhere on the table and shoot in any direction; you may even choose to put the ball in the kitchen and shoot towards the back rail without ever leaving the kitchen.
Ball in Kitchen means you can put the ball in the kitchen (behind the line) and shoot out of the kitchen before striking a legal ball first.
allanpsand on 4/18/2013 9:45:07 AM
If you are playing old rules (usually in some bar with a single table), the historical (and local tradition) pressure is that any cue ball scratch means the incoming player can only shoot from behind the head string (kitchen) and must shoot the cue ball out to hit a legal ball. Any balls within the kitchen require the cue ball to contact a rail out of that area and then come back in (shooting to the cushion out of the area) and banking or using English to bring the cue ball back to attempt a contact with an object ball in the kitchen.
Now, if the opponent's balls are all in the kitchen, you can create massive consternation by simply intentionally shooting the cue ball into a pocket. If his only ball outside the kitchen is tied up with your ball, doing an intentional scratch can force him (if he's not too bright) to open up the cluster. Either situation makes it easier to win - but can cause some bad feelings that you aren't playing "fair".
The incoming player has no choice but in such places, not following these restrictions.
Pocketing Your Ball, and Your Opponents Ball
- Title: Pocketing Your Ball, and Your Opponents Ball
- Author: smichael (Scott Michael)
- Published: 1/30/2010 9:59:24 AM