Needs help identifying
2/13/2012 1:55:56 PM
Needs help identifying
I identified one as a McDermott D-23, as for the Viking cue, does anyone have any info on it? Series or model? I'm actually happy I found them because I just picked up playing again and never owned my own previously (these belonged to my late uncle.) Thanks for any info.
Needs help identifying
Replies & Comments
Drodby on 2/13/2012 1:58:39 PM
Also, I might want to furbish the McDermott, any info of where is good? I don't mind sending it somewhere as long as it's got it's credentials.
Drodby on 2/13/2012 2:09:54 PM
And while we're at it, does anyone know the value of either?
AwdMan on 2/14/2012 9:34:00 AM
The Viking is a V2L From the Millennium 2 Catalog from 2000. Original price is $400.
Viking and Mcdermott will do cue repairs.
The Mcdermott has a Market Value of $855 and was produced from 1984 to 1990 , per McDermott's web site, but I am sure that is for one in pristine condition.
Drodby on 2/14/2012 11:20:41 AM
Thank you so much, I had trouble finding the Viking one. McDermott was a bit easier since they have their retired catalog up.
p3ga on 2/16/2012 7:06:16 PM
As far as the McDermott, send it back to McDermott!
They offer cue refurbishing, and may still have the original butt caps, will be able to properly clean & press the Cortland wrap, use the correct finishes, them first to discuss, they're good folks.
The D series remains an excellent cue; if it was mine, I'd send it back & have them make a few new shafts for it. You've got a keeper there.
Needs help identifying
- Title: Needs help identifying
- Author: Drodby
- Published: 2/13/2012 1:55:56 PM