Help Identify a Stealth Cue Model Number
1/19/2012 4:06:40 PM
Help Identify a Stealth Cue Model Number
I've had this Stealth Cue going on 10 months and have yet to identify the damn thing.
If someone would please give me the Stealth Cue model number so I don't look like an idiot every time I'm asked, it would be eternally appreciated.
Update: I still have no idea as to the model of this this plain looking Stealth Cue below. Anyone out there have any knowledge as to the model let me know.
Help Identify a Stealth Cue Model Number
Replies & Comments
gdm40 on 1/24/2012 9:28:40 AM
P.S. the mystery cue from Stealth is about to be named! Stealth finally contacted me today!
AwdMan on 2/15/2012 1:34:34 PM
The Stealth cue is From around 1995 and had an original retail value of $79.95
cuesplus on 5/5/2012 12:14:44 PM
I would email Stealth Cues: to find out what model it is.
bogart sucaldito on 5/25/2012 6:57:47 PM
I also use stealth but the one with a doodle handle. It plays nice but I replaced my shaft with a 314. It plays better now (in my opinion that is...)
Sorry I can't help with your question. I hope u will hold on to the McDermott cue for I think that model looks very rare being old and stored for a long time.
Maybe, just maybe, a former great could have used it in that bar and left it there because of being so drunk. Hehe
RSJODIN on 8/29/2016 11:32:05 AM
I also have a Stealth pool cue that I can't identify.
Can anyone help identify my Stealth pool cue model? Link goes to my post with some pictures.
Posting here to see if anyone can help. These days Stealth Cues does not have an email link.
leejr on 12/4/2021 7:18:39 PM
If you’re still on here, did you ever find out the model information for your Stealth cue?
RSJODIN on 12/4/2021 11:43:56 PM
No, I didn't find any more info on my Stealth cue.
If you're asking about the one posted in this question, then the answer above from 2012 mentions that it looks to be from around 1995, so I guess the answer is given already.
Help Identify a Stealth Cue Model Number
- Title: Help Identify a Stealth Cue Model Number
- Author: gdm40 (Gary May)
- Published: 1/19/2012 4:06:40 PM
- Last Updated: 1/24/2012 8:18:11 AM
- Last Updated By: gdm40