Orange Crush - Billiard Term Definition
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Definition of Orange Crush
Orange Crush is a billiards slang term that is a part of Scoring Terminology.
The "orange crush" is a slang term referring to a handicap of the "wild" 5 ball (orange) and the breaks (crush) that a (usually weaker) player is given by a (usually stronger) player.
The player receiving the benefit of the handicap (e.g. the player getting the weight) only needs to pocket balls 5 through 9 in order to win the game.
The orange crush is a spot given when there is a large spread between the skill levels of each player. Many consider it to be akin to:
Make any ball and you win the game
But it is also well known that when someone offers the orange crush, they are usually that much better than their opponent that they still have a lock on the game.
It is important to note that the exact benefit of an orange crush varies greatly depending on the location and the players involved. Here are some variations of the orange crush handicap in billiards:
- Some insist that the orange crush is only the wild 5 ball and the breaks (and not balls 6 through 9).
- The 5 out (meaning the player getting the handicap can win by making the 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 balls).
- cmbwsu from azbilliards:
As for me, the word "crush" always meant "the break" (hence the use of the word "crush"). As for the 5 ball "only" vs. the 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 balls - that, along with whether or not the break is included, should always be discussed and agreed upon before starting play.
- An orange crush (5 ball) with the 6 ball, 7 ball, and 8 ball is the Orange Crush with Pulp.
- An orange crush is the wild 5 ball and all the breaks.
See: out, handicap for more on the meaning of "Orange Crush".
Orange Crush - Usage
You are going to give him the orange crush and still bet the $25,000? You are crazy dude, you aren't that much better than he is.
Orange Crush - Origin and History
According to Delta-13 Billiard Products, the name *orange crush* is derived from the name of the defense strategy of the Denver Broncos football team.
Billiards - Orange Crush
- Title: Orange Crush
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 1/12/2008 2:25:41 PM
- Last Updated: 9/19/2016 10:13:53 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
Orange Crush Comments
onepocketrocket from Clifton, NJ on 8/27/2014 3:54:46 PM
The orange crush is a handicap given which consists of the 5 ball and the breaks.
billiardsforum from Halifax, NS on 9/19/2016 10:02:17 AM
@onepocketrocket - It seems you are correct. That is a common variation of the orange crush (among many others) and I have updated the definition to include that as well as some of the other common variations.
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