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3 Consecutive Illegal Breaks in Nine Ball

3 Consecutive Illegal Breaks in Nine Ball

Can we declare loss to a player who commits 3 consecutive illegal breaks in nine ball?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

3 Consecutive Illegal Breaks in Nine Ball

Replies & Comments

  1. mercurybilliardsforum on 2/3/2017 12:11:46 PM

    Yes, illegal breaks are fouls and do count toward a player's 3 consecutive fouls count. So a player who commits 3 consecutive break shot fouls would automatically lose the game under the three consecutive fouls rule.

    To re-phrase, if you foul on a legal break shot or an illegal break shot, those do count toward the three consecutive foul count.

    UPA Tour 9 Ball Rules Section 3.0 - Legal Break Shot:

    NOTE: A foul on a legal break counts toward the three fouls in the “Three Consecutive Fouls” loss of game rule (see 8.2).

    Texas Express 9 Ball Rules

    Any foul occurring prior, during, or after the break is included in the three (3) foul rule and is considered the first foul.

    UPA 9 Ball Rules for Amateur 9-Ball

    Note: A foul on the break counts toward the three fouls in the “Three Consecutive Fouls” loss of game rule (see 8.2). Also note that in regards to the 9 ball 3 successive fouls rule, that after your second successive foul your opponent or a referee must warn you that you are on two fouls and you must acknowledge the warning.

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3 Consecutive Illegal Breaks in Nine Ball

  • Title: 3 Consecutive Illegal Breaks in Nine Ball
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/3/2017 7:46:56 AM
  • Last Updated: 2/3/2017 11:49:41 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)