Player Pockets Ball on Break and Doesn't Notice, Is the Other Player Required to Mention It?
4/13/2024 8:42:07 PM
Player Pockets Ball on Break and Doesn't Notice, Is the Other Player Required to Mention It?
If a player pockets a ball on the break but doesn't notice, is the other player required to mention it?
I have not found any rule on this, so I am posting it here.
- The game is 8-ball
- It is tournament play, with no referee
Player A breaks and legally pockets a ball, but does not notice a ball had been potted. Player B sees this potted ball.
- Is it the responsibility of player B to notify player A of this?
- Is there a specific rule on this or does this fall under etiquette?
I doubt player B can legally begin shooting in this case, but again, I don't know.
What do you think?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Player Pockets Ball on Break and Doesn't Notice, Is the Other Player Required to Mention It?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/16/2024 7:35:45 AM
Quick Answer
You are correct. It wouldn't be appropriate for player B to begin shooting when player A didn't notice the pocketed ball. When there is no referee present, the WPA says that the non-shooting player will perform all of the duties of the referee.
Detailed Answer
You are correct. It wouldn't be appropriate for player B to begin shooting when player A didn't notice the pocketed ball.
There are specific regulations for this scenario. You probably didn't find it because it is a World Pool-Billiard Association "rule regulation" and not part of any specific game's rules. The World Pool-Billiard Association (the "WPA") is the highest governing body for cue sports.
The WPA defines "rule regulations" as:
These regulations address dress requirements, protests, scheduling issues, and other items that are not part of the actual Rules of Play but need to be regulated for the individual event. Some aspects of applying the regulations vary from tournament to tournament, such as the number of sets in a match and who breaks after the first rack at nine ball. The management of an event is entitled to enforce regulations for the event. These Regulations do not have the same force as the Rules; the Rules have priority.
Your specific issue is dealt with under regulation #5—"Playing With an 'Area' Referee" has a tidbit that tells us that when a referee isn't present to officiate a shot (as is the case in your scenario):
- [...] players are still expected to observe all the rules of the game, and
- [...] the non-shooting player will perform all of the duties of the referee
The full regulation reads as follows (emphasis being ours):
It may be that a tournament is being played with "area" referees who are each responsible for several tables and there is no referee constantly at each table. In this case, the players are still expected to observe all the rules of the game. The recommended way to conduct play in this situation is as follows.
The non-shooting player will perform all of the duties of the referee. If, prior to a particular shot, the shooting player feels that his opponent will not be able to properly judge the shot, he should ask the area referee to watch the shot. The non-shooting player may also ask for such attention if he feels that he is unable or is unwilling to rule on the shot. Either player has the power to suspend play until he is satisfied with the way the match is being refereed.
If a dispute arises between two players in an unrefereed match, and the area referee is asked to make a decision without having seen the cause of the dispute, he should be careful to understand the situation as completely as possible. This might include asking trusted witnesses, reviewing video tapes, or reenacting the shot. If the area referee is asked to determine whether a foul occurred and there is no evidence of the foul except the claim of one player while the other player claims that there was no foul, then it is assumed that no foul occurred.
Hopefully that helps.
user1681425119 on 4/18/2024 11:20:36 AM
It does and thanks!
I will bring this up with the person in question.
Player Pockets Ball on Break and Doesn't Notice, Is the Other Player Required to Mention It?
- Title: Player Pockets Ball on Break and Doesn't Notice, Is the Other Player Required to Mention It?
- Author: user1681425119
- Published: 4/13/2024 8:42:07 PM
- Last Updated: 4/15/2024 7:42:10 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)